Isn't it a fun game to try to figure out what they are thinking? Many times they will let you know... whether it be by a little pout of the lip or a loud noise departing from their mouth or even a giggle that may make you want to eat them all up! Life is fun! I never have to look for anything to do. As a matter of fact, I have to dig for time to do absolutely nothing. Life is precious. Don't take a moment for granted. I am speaking to those of you who may be childless or have several little kiddos! There is joy to be found in all of life's circumstances.
Side note: It is raining cats and dogs outside! Yee haw! I am ready to see some green grass! Thank heavens for rain.
Anyways, life has been great this past week or so. God has really shown me so much. I many times go through a spell where things seem to be just happening, and then the Lord reminds me to see each day as a blessing and live it to its fullest. So, whether I am mopping the floor, or just plain hanging out with my family, I am happy!
So many things have been happening with Michaela here lately. She took her first step a few nights ago. She still is not walking, but I have a feeling that the time is not far away. We have discovered that the child is indeed an eater. She loves just about everything. Hmm. Like okra, cabbage, grean beans, broccoli, and many other things. She is down to one bottle a day, and honestly couldn't even care less about that. So, I have started giving her some whole milk. She loves it so far. I just hope her tummy loves it as well. We shall see. It is amazing how much she has started talking in the last few weeks. She has always been a babbler, but now she is actually attaching words to the same things over and over again. She says: daddy, mama, juice, thanks, dog, and duck. There is also still a whole lot of babblin' going on.
Well, I hope all of you that read this have a blessed day. It is so great to be able to keep up with you without seeing you. Although we don't all have the luxury of being together often, just knowing how all of you are doing brings a smile to my face.
Tah Tah for now!
P.S. Here is a great website. It has all sorts of handmade things to buy! I love it.