Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Saturday, August 16, 2008

First Day of "School"

Michaela started going to the CDC program at Fairview last week. She absolutely loved it. As a matter of fact, everyday since and in between she gets up in the morning and says "Play with Mrs. Lucy?" I am so glad that Mrs. Lucy Crawford is her teacher. I know that Michaela is going to have a wonderful year with her. There are two girls and two boys in her class (including Michaela.) I am so thankful that she is able to be around other kids her age more often. She is around other kids at church, but this is just more of a good thing. I know she gets tired of being around all of us old people all of the time :) (Even though I love having her around!)

I have decided that I am going to allot one day for fun and one day for work. I was able to get my entire houser cleaned on Thursday, which was great. Here is a picture of her on her first day. I will post a picture of her at school later when I am able to get some!!!

1 comment:

Audie said...

My baby girl is getting all grown up! I miss her like crazy! Thanks for getting these pics and posting them. I love you! Kiss Mitoots for me!